Biosecurity response training and exercises
Biosecurity Research Ltd can develop biosecurity training and exercises that are specifically aimed to meet your needs. We have experience in developing small industry based half day exercises right up to large-scale multi-day exercises involving >100 participants for government agencies.
We have experience in developing response scenarios or exercises in animal diseases (e.g. FMD), environmental pests (e.g. RIFA) and plant pests and diseases (e.g. Pine pitch canker and fruit fly).
We have experience in developing response scenarios or exercises in animal diseases (e.g. FMD), environmental pests (e.g. RIFA) and plant pests and diseases (e.g. Pine pitch canker and fruit fly).
Epidemiological studies to identify risk factors that contribute to a change in pest or disease prevalence and evaluation of disease control measures at the population level.
Outbreak investigation to determine the causes and characteristics of pest or disease outbreaks
We can develop biosecurity response and preparedness planning to assist in controlling incursions of biosecurity risk organisms, including response surveillance and tracing, organism management, movement control protocols and response plans.
Teaching epidemiology with a strong biosecurity focus on outbreak investigation, surveillance, tracing and response.
We work across animal health, agriculture, horticulture, forestry and the natural environment.

Biosecurity Plans
Biosecurity research can develop response plans for a wide range of biosecurity issues. We have contributed to primary industry and government biosecurity response plans and developed response plans for private companies.