Dr Karyn Froud
Biosecurity Epidemiologist
BSc, MSc (Hons., Entomology), PGCertSci (Veterinary Epidemiology), PhD (Epidemiology)
Karyn is an epidemiologist and is the Director of Biosecurity Research Ltd. and has over 20 years of research experience. Karyn's two areas of expertise are i) conducting epidemiological research into new exotic pest and disease incursions in plant and animal production based industries and the native environment, and ii) in developing biosecurity preparedness systems, response plans and teaching biosecurity.
Biosecurity Research works independently and also in collaboration with other research and biosecurity providers such as the Massey University EpiCentre, Plant and Food Research, Auckland Universities Pacific Invasives Initiative and AsureQuality.
Karyn has a particular interest in the working structure of biosecurity responses and enjoys building capability for biosecurity with people from diverse backgrounds.