Biosecurity and epidemiology research and consultancy


Biosecurity Research has expertise in epidemiological research into pest and disease outbreaks.


Expertise in teaching epidemiology to post-graduate vets and biosecurity specialists across animal, plant and environment sectors. 


Biosecurity Research specialises in developing biosecurity preparedness response plans, systems, training and exercises.

Epidemiological research example

Quantification of productivity impacts and identification of risk factors for the development of kiwifruit bacterial blight caused by an outbreak in New Zealand of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae

Epidemiology teaching example

This was the awesome group of lecturers, private vets and government vets from New Zealand and Asia that attended the 2024 MPI Introduction to Veterinary Epidemiology for biosecurity course. 

Biosecurity preparedness example

Red imported fire ant (RIFA) exercise scenario developed to train biosecurity operational responders and estimate resource requirements for movement controls, surveillance and organism management